The Department of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology

Publication in Environmental Advances – microplastics in Lake Velnezers

Nagłówek artykułu

The latest issue of the journal Environmental Advances features an article co-authored by Wojciech Tylmann. The authors investigated the monitoring and migration of microplastics in the environment of Lake Velnezers, located in the Latvian capital Riga. The research included analysis from the water column, through freshly deposited material on the bottom, to the sediment profile. […]

DatErr 2.0 – July 2024 fieldwork

Fieldwork in the “DatErr 2.0” project for multi-isotope dating of eratics in Poland and Germany is progressing! Karol Tylmann, Piotr Woźniak, Sanjaya Gurung and our dear friend from France, Vincent Rinterknecht, once again set off to Poland in search of erratic boulders*.From July 20-28, equipped with hammers and a chisel, guys took samples for further […]

Greenland 2024 expedition

Sambor Czerwiński, Katarzyna Marcisz (UAM, expedition leader) and Luke Andrews from the University of York conducted field research from July 25 to August 6 in Qeqertarsuaq in West Greenland (Disko Island 🕺🏻), where they were hosted at the Arctic Station.Amazing basalt relief, tundra, glaciers and icebergs are only part of the attractions. In addition, the […]

Maar-velous sediments

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Fieldwork in Australia involving Wojciech Tylmann has been featured in the latest issues of the Quaternary Australasia, the official newsletter of the Australasian Quaternary Association. Maar-velous sediments: Unearthing Holocene histories in Western Victoria [PDF 1,92 MB]