The Department of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology

Publication in Environmental Advances – microplastics in Lake Velnezers

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The latest issue of the journal Environmental Advances features an article co-authored by Wojciech Tylmann. The authors investigated the monitoring and migration of microplastics in the environment of Lake Velnezers, located in the Latvian capital Riga. The research included analysis from the water column, through freshly deposited material on the bottom, to the sediment profile. […]

Publication in Geomorphology – storm surge landforms

On the backside of the beach, just behind the dunes, extremely interesting landforms called storm surge overflow cones are forming. A new article has just been published, resulting from research conducted as part of the STORMLINK project. In the publication, the authors analyze the shape and internal structure of the cones.We invite you to read […]

Nature Communications publication – 4.2 ka event

Was the ‘4.2 ka event’, known from many natural archives, unique in the Holocene? A paper just published in Nature Communications entitled ‘The 4.2 ka event is not remarkable in the context of Holocene climate variability’ is an attempt to answer this question. The co-author of the article is Maurycy Żarczyński from our department. The […]

Quaternary Science Reviews publication

Nagłówek artykułu

In the latest publication, which was written in collaboration with the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk and the GEOPOLAR laboratory at the University of Bremen, we analyzed the Holocene water level fluctuations recorded in Lake Suminko. Multivariate sediment analyses indicate that variations in water levels in the reservoir were primarily influenced by […]

Badanie środowiska przyrodniczego w naukach humanistycznych, społecznych i przyrodniczych

The publication titled “Badanie środowiska przyrodniczego w naukach humanistycznych, społecznych i przyrodniczych” was released by the Publishing House of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In it, you can read about the role of interdisciplinary approaches in studying storm events. Karolina Leszczyńska (UAM, Poznań) and Damian Moskalewicz discuss how historical sources and natural archives help us […]