The Department of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology

EAA conference – Rome 2024

Sambor na tle slajdu, w trakcie prezentacji

Last week Sambor Czerwiński attended the conference ‘30th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting in Rome, Italy’ where he presented a paper entitled ‘New findings on human impact in Greater Poland during the Migration Period based on high-resolution palaeoenvironmental reconstructions’.

Despite sweltering temperatures and other adversities such as the lack of a presenter, Sambor presented the preliminary results of his work to European archaeologists in Rome.

Czerwiński S., Lamentowicz M., Izdebski A., Marcisz K., Niebieszczański J., Hajdas I., Gromig R., Wagner B., Gałka M., Kołaczek P., 2024, New findings on human impact in Greater Poland during the Migration Period based on high-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstructions, 30th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting in Rome, Italy, 28–31.08.2024