The Department of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology

Publication in Environmental Advances – microplastics in Lake Velnezers

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The latest issue of the journal Environmental Advances features an article co-authored by Wojciech Tylmann. The authors investigated the monitoring and migration of microplastics in the environment of Lake Velnezers, located in the Latvian capital Riga.

The research included analysis from the water column, through freshly deposited material on the bottom, to the sediment profile. The study found the presence of microplastics, including layers corresponding to the period before the mass production of plastics. Moreover, microplastic accumulation shows a seasonal character. We encourage you to read the article, which is available in Open Access format.

Barone M., Dimante-Deimantovica I., Busmane S., Koistinen A., Poikane R., Saarni S., Stivrins N., Tylmann W., Uurasjärvi E., Viksna A., 2024, What to monitor? Microplastics in a freshwater lake – From seasonal surface water to bottom sediments. Environmental Advances 17, 100577. [LINK]